Help ME!

Fotolia_1349647_XS[1] dog in carThis was heart wrenching for me to feel, to hear and to see as this particular dog showed me. It’s heart wrenching for me to write. It’s heart wrenching for you to read. It was horrifying for the dog.

Because of my ability to communicate with animals, I have seen first hand just how awful it is for a dog to die in a hot car. It happens so quickly, you can’t imagine. It’s horribly scary for them as they’re gasping for air, barking & crying for help but no-one is coming all the while jumping up and down to get out of the car.  The heart beats fiercely in the chest as the pounding sound in their little head becomes louder –MOM —–DAD ——What’s happening! Where are you!?  barking —  barking —- calling for help…….. until……….silence……

With out a doubt, it’s tragic for all involved but I think even more heart breaking is the fact that it’s never done intentionally or maliciously. We love our pets, they are just like our children and in some cases, they are our children so to harm or hurt them is un-imaginable.

We want to take our pets everywhere we go but as we’re running in and out of this store and that store we quickly loose track of time. It may feel like only a minute or two but in reality, it’s longer than just a couple minutes. Please, leave your pet at home if you have stops to make during your outing – they will lick you for it when you return home!

I wish you lots of happy and healthy fun with your pets this summer! Make it a safe one. To read more on the risk factors of heat exhaustion click here.